Christopher D’Orta, A Course in Life, or anyone or anything associated thereto, also make(s) no claims to be able to heal anything or anyone ever in anyway whatsoever, ever, until the end of time. Nothing on this webpage, or related thereto in any way possible, make(s) any claim to be able to heal anything in the universe now and in perpetuity ad infinitum.
It is further stated that Christopher D’Orta, is not a doctor nor licensed to practice medicine or psychological or psychiatric care in any way whatsoever. Christopher D’Orta words and writings, (and all disseminated information), of this web page, and all products and services associated thereof/thereto, or anything associated thereto, or in any way affiliated with A Course in Life and/or Christopher D’Orta or other, or anyone or anything associated therefrom/thereto, are opinions solely. Seek the advice of a medical and/or physical and/or mental health professional before implementing any such information product or service of this website.
All such advice and information and legal statements hereinabove and hereinafter also applies to all information and products disseminated in any form directly from A Course in Life, and/or private counseling or contact with Christopher D’Orta, or anything/anyone related thereto in way plausible. All such statements above also apply to all media or other appearances, as well as audio visual or written of Christopher D’Orta, Esq., or facsimile thereof, or related in any way possible thereto.
Please note that there are no absolutely refunds for any products or services disseminated through this website, or other associated thereto or from A Course in Life or Christopher D’Orta or anyone/thing associated with him/it/other under any circumstances, ever, whatsoever.
Everything on this website is copyrighted, including this legal disclaimer – Christopher D’Orta is a bad ass attorney, who is a real BAD-ASS in real life: DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!